I have written two course materials, whole binders, and in addition translated two gemmology courses from english to swedish. The two course materials which I wrote can be read here.

Datakommunikation - Computer Communication

This course material exists only in a swedish version. It was written for Lexicon, later to become Docendo, in about 1990. The material has been used for "Datakommunikation, Grundkurs", up until mid-1996 when it was replaced. What you see here is rather old. In total 230 kb text.

Datasäkerhet - Computer Security

This course was written 1991 for Docendo (Lexicon previously), and they called the course ¨Sårbarhet och Säkerhet¨ ("Vulnerability and Security"). The text is about 250 Kb. It was replaced or totally cancelled sometime after 1996.